
Showing posts from December, 2017

MP3- Current Events #2

    Researchers Compute Their Way to the Centre of the Earth Us humans live on Planet Earth. The planet is made up of 4 different layers. Those layers include: the curst, the mantle, outer core, and inner core. Not that many people have attempted to even go through the center of the earth; it's a very long pathway. The closest a human has ever gotten to the center of the earth was in the 1980s when a  Russian-project in the far north Kola Peninsula reached 12 km into the earth's crust. We haven't gotten that far to the center of the earth. In a article titled, " Researchers Compute Their Way to the Centre of the Earth " it talks about how researchers have been able to  compute their way very slowly day by day into the center of the earth. The following article stated, " Multi-disciplinary research team uses theory and experiment on its journey to understand material and geologic processes in high pressure and temperature conditions. In order to mor...

Privacy and the concept of PII

Millions of people around the world use different websites and apps. Almost all of the programs needs accounts for their users, and these accounts usually include: name, email address, phone number, username and password. But do you think that the information that you included are secure? In my opinion, I don't think that our personal information is secured because the government will have access to you information. And besides the government knowing your private information, the owners and creators of these applications would also have access to you private information.

Current Events #1-MP3

            Computer scientists develop a simple tool to tell if websites suffered a data breach Facebook has approximately over 2.07 billion users. Twitter has approximately over 330 million users. Many people around the world use websites for many different websites. But not all websites have a good security wall. Some websites that have been hacked in the past include: Uber in 2017, when it got hacked for $57 million. Ebay in 2013, when it got hacked for $145 million. Some websites have even got hacked more than once, or even on multiple occasions. One example is Yahoo in 2013 for $500 million, and when it got hacked in 2014 for $3 billion. So you kind of understand the concept of what I trying to say. In an article called "Computer scientists develop a simple tool to tell if websites suffered a data breach" it talks about how computer scientists have created a tool to see if a website has been breached in the past. " Computer scientists have bu...

Lab 13 All CSS

A few weeks ago, my class and I did a a lab. The objective of this lab was to incorporate all of the skills that we learned about CSS into one webpage. We included internal and external CSS, and many other things we've learned about CSS into one. The application that I used to create this lab was Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017. What we first did in this was we had to select any body of text where we could perform the lab on. Then we used inline CSS as well as internal CSS on the text. This included the font color and style, etc. Then we used external CSS on the text, which included background color and the font size and border, etc. One of the hardest parts of what I found while doing this lab was trying to make sure all the code matched up correctly because when you're trying to input all of these components into one, you have to make sure there's no errors. Like even if there's a missing "closing" tag, the whole entire webpage would be different or won't even...


On Saturday, December 2, I attended my first ever hackathon. What a hackathon is,  it is a  design sprint-like event in which  computer programmers  and others involved in  software development , including  graphic designers ,  interface designers ,  project managers , and others, often including subject-matter-experts, collaborate intensively on  software  projects. The goal of a hackathon is to create usable software. Hackathons tend to have a specific focus, which can include the  programming language  used, the  operating system , an application, an  API , or the subject and the demographic group of the programmers. In other cases, there is no restriction on the type of software being created. The one that I went to, had a specific theme: Society Safety. What I did was my group and I had to create an app that would be able to make communities safer. Overall it was a fun event and good experience to practice code ...

Current Events 5--MP2

                             Global Mosquito-Sensing Network Being Built Using Smartphones Mosquitoes are small, midge-like flies that constitute the family Culicidae. Females of most species are ectoparasites, whose tube-like mouthparts pierce the hosts' skin to consume blood .  Only certain species of mosquitoes of the  Anopheles  genus, and only  females  of those species, can transmit malaria. Malaria is caused by a one- celled parasite called a  Plasmodium . Female  Anopheles mosquitoes  pick up the  parasite  from  infected  people when they bite to obtain blood needed to nurture their eggs. In the following article, "Global Mosquito-Sensing Network Being Built Using Smartphones" talks about how there have been researchers who've created an app that can recognize mosquito species from the sound they make. The  Malaria is a killer...

Project 2

A few weeks ago, my class and I did a project. The objective of this project was to learn how to practice our skills that we have previously learned about binary, and reviewing them with practice. That included putting numbers into binary, and representing the numbers in that state. The application that I used to create this lab was Microsoft Word. What we first did in this was we, first opened a blank document on Microsoft Word, and placed a number of boxes around the page with the box in the center being a certain event. Then we filled the boxes around the center with a topic such as what time did it start? When did it end? How long was it for? And many more questions that could be answered in binary. We also asked and answered questions the couldn't be answered in binary such as where was it? And who did you go with? The most challenging part of this lab was try ing to finish this on time, and making sure it had all the requirements needed.

Lab 12 ID and Class for CSS

A few weeks ago, my class and I did a a lab. The objective of this lab was to learn how to use ID and Class styles and tags for CSS. The application that I used to create this lab was Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017. What we first did in this was we, were given a blank webpage that had no CSS on it, and we had to add color-changes as well as font changes. Then we had a range of different font styles and colors and we had to apply some of those categories into the webpage. One of the most challenging part of this lab was making sure there were no errors in the code itself, and making it show on the webpage.

Lab 11 HTML + External CSS

A few weeks ago, my class and I did a a lab. The objective of this lab was to learn how to use the basic steps of external CSS. The application that I used to create this lab was Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017. What we first did in this was we, used the same reflection we used in the previous lab and keep it as the way it was, but instead of using internal CSS that we did in the previous lab, this time we used external CSS in this lab. What we did in this lab that was different than the other lab, was we changed the font type and colors and the background color as well. So an example of what we did in this lab was changing the font style to something like, Franklin Gothic Bold, and change the background color to red. Stuff like that, that would enhance the lab itself.

Lab 10 HTML + Internal CSS

A few weeks ago, my class and I did a a lab. The objective of this lab was to learn how to use the basic steps of internal CSS. The application that I used to create this lab was Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017. What we first did in this was we, wrote a reflection about a college fair we had previously have done the day before, and include a photo of the college fair. Then, we had to change the the few things about the lab such as font-family and background as well as font color. How we did this in the lab was we, used a style tag, and then a font-color and background-color stylesheet.

College & Career Fair

On November 13, 2017, my class and I attended a career and college fair in our school. We had many professionals from different colleges and universities. We also had representatives from the Navy, U.S. Army, and the Marines. We saw many different colleges from Hunter, John Jay, Oswego, etc. My class and I were required to dress business casual in order to look professional for this fair. We learned about what colleges offer what career path. that you want to pursue in. We also learned about different scholarships some colleges offer as well. Each college that I was interested in, had a course for graphic design which is what I want to pursue my career in. Overall it was a great experience for learning about colleges and universities about their campus, and what they offer from courses and scholarships and their requirements to get in.