Project 2
A few weeks ago, my class and I did a project. The objective of this project was to learn how to practice our skills that we have previously learned about binary, and reviewing them with practice. That included putting numbers into binary, and representing the numbers in that state. The application that I used to create this lab was Microsoft Word. What we first did in this was we, first opened a blank document on Microsoft Word, and placed a number of boxes around the page with the box in the center being a certain event. Then we filled the boxes around the center with a topic such as what time did it start? When did it end? How long was it for? And many more questions that could be answered in binary. We also asked and answered questions the couldn't be answered in binary such as where was it? And who did you go with? The most challenging part of this lab was try ing to finish this on time, and making sure it had all the requirements needed.
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