
Showing posts from June, 2018

Final Project ~ Portfolio

Over the course of my junior year in Web Design, we have done many labs and projects. We've also leaned many new skills that would help us in the final year of Web Design and further on in our career. Almost all of the labs and projects that we've done this year are webpages, and we created them by using HTML and CSS. To keep a record of the assignments that we have done over the year, we all made websites containing our labs and projects, as well as links to our blogs and teacher's website. When designing these websites, we had the freedom and were able to use our creativity to make these websites unique. The purpose of these websites is not only a record of the assignments of what we done, but is also a representation of the progress we had made from the beginning of the year, to present day. It shows how much we learned and incorporated new skills into our websites. Portfolio  - Click to see and interact with my portfolio

Project 2 ~ Favorite Teacher

A few days ago, my class was assigned a project where we had to create a website about our favorite teacher for teacher appreciation week. Before we started the project, we had to make a wireframe and a storyboard for the project. The purpose of this was to make a basic layout of what we wanted to incorporate in the project. Once we finished doing this, we started to make the website using HTML and CSS elements. The requirements for the project was to have a minimum of 4 web pages and we had to schedule a interview with our favorite teacher and ask them some questions about themselves. Once we finished the interview with them, we used the information we received and were able to put them into different sections of the website. There were two main purposes of this project. The first one was to see our skills with HTML and CSS because it was near the end of the year, and we wanted to see the progress we had made from knowing nothing to almost mastering the skill. The second purpose was t...

Google Trip

On May 18, 2018 my class and I went on a field trip to a Google office. When we got there, we were greeted by some staff members and they provided us with name tags. After that, we got spilt in three groups, and there was a tour guide in each group showing up some of the floors in the office. My group went to five different floors in the office. And to summarize what I felt about the office was, I thought that it was a pretty cool work environment and it was interesting to see how the workers would be catered to on a typical work day. After the tour was done, all three of the tour groups meet up in a conference room, and we meet with three other workers from the office. After we meet with them, they spoke with us on what their life is like working for Google, and how they benefited by this work experience. After they were finished talking about the past and what they hoped to expect in the future, they opened the floor to us, and we got a chance to ask them questions. Most of the quest...

WBL Workshop #5

About two weeks ago, my school had their fifth WBL workshops for their CTE students. This workshop was a mock interview where we practiced our interview skills and see what were our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to interviews. It was six different groups consisting of 7-8 students per group. The way that my group had done the mock interview was we each went one-by-one and we had 3 minutes to sell ourselves to the interviewee. If we were waiting to be interviewed, our task was to observe the person that was interviewing and see what they were doing well and some areas that need improvement. By doing this it would help us to avoid these things when it was time for our interview. After each group was finished, all of the interviewees spoke to everyone about what they observed in their groups, and gave us a few tips on what to do on interviews and what the interviewee is usually looking for. Overall, the workshop was very helpful to us in preparing for these situations when it mat...