Google Trip
On May 18, 2018 my class and I went on a field trip to a Google office. When we got there, we were greeted by some staff members and they provided us with name tags. After that, we got spilt in three groups, and there was a tour guide in each group showing up some of the floors in the office. My group went to five different floors in the office. And to summarize what I felt about the office was, I thought that it was a pretty cool work environment and it was interesting to see how the workers would be catered to on a typical work day. After the tour was done, all three of the tour groups meet up in a conference room, and we meet with three other workers from the office. After we meet with them, they spoke with us on what their life is like working for Google, and how they benefited by this work experience. After they were finished talking about the past and what they hoped to expect in the future, they opened the floor to us, and we got a chance to ask them questions. Most of the question was asking them on how can we get a job at Google after high school. And finally the trip was over, and we headed back to school. Overall I enjoyed this trip because I was able to see an office on a company that I would like to work for in the future. Also I was able to learn about the work experience and how I could benefit from working there.
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