
Showing posts from 2017

MP3- Current Events #2

    Researchers Compute Their Way to the Centre of the Earth Us humans live on Planet Earth. The planet is made up of 4 different layers. Those layers include: the curst, the mantle, outer core, and inner core. Not that many people have attempted to even go through the center of the earth; it's a very long pathway. The closest a human has ever gotten to the center of the earth was in the 1980s when a  Russian-project in the far north Kola Peninsula reached 12 km into the earth's crust. We haven't gotten that far to the center of the earth. In a article titled, " Researchers Compute Their Way to the Centre of the Earth " it talks about how researchers have been able to  compute their way very slowly day by day into the center of the earth. The following article stated, " Multi-disciplinary research team uses theory and experiment on its journey to understand material and geologic processes in high pressure and temperature conditions. In order to mor...

Privacy and the concept of PII

Millions of people around the world use different websites and apps. Almost all of the programs needs accounts for their users, and these accounts usually include: name, email address, phone number, username and password. But do you think that the information that you included are secure? In my opinion, I don't think that our personal information is secured because the government will have access to you information. And besides the government knowing your private information, the owners and creators of these applications would also have access to you private information.

Current Events #1-MP3

            Computer scientists develop a simple tool to tell if websites suffered a data breach Facebook has approximately over 2.07 billion users. Twitter has approximately over 330 million users. Many people around the world use websites for many different websites. But not all websites have a good security wall. Some websites that have been hacked in the past include: Uber in 2017, when it got hacked for $57 million. Ebay in 2013, when it got hacked for $145 million. Some websites have even got hacked more than once, or even on multiple occasions. One example is Yahoo in 2013 for $500 million, and when it got hacked in 2014 for $3 billion. So you kind of understand the concept of what I trying to say. In an article called "Computer scientists develop a simple tool to tell if websites suffered a data breach" it talks about how computer scientists have created a tool to see if a website has been breached in the past. " Computer scientists have bu...

Lab 13 All CSS

A few weeks ago, my class and I did a a lab. The objective of this lab was to incorporate all of the skills that we learned about CSS into one webpage. We included internal and external CSS, and many other things we've learned about CSS into one. The application that I used to create this lab was Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017. What we first did in this was we had to select any body of text where we could perform the lab on. Then we used inline CSS as well as internal CSS on the text. This included the font color and style, etc. Then we used external CSS on the text, which included background color and the font size and border, etc. One of the hardest parts of what I found while doing this lab was trying to make sure all the code matched up correctly because when you're trying to input all of these components into one, you have to make sure there's no errors. Like even if there's a missing "closing" tag, the whole entire webpage would be different or won't even...


On Saturday, December 2, I attended my first ever hackathon. What a hackathon is,  it is a  design sprint-like event in which  computer programmers  and others involved in  software development , including  graphic designers ,  interface designers ,  project managers , and others, often including subject-matter-experts, collaborate intensively on  software  projects. The goal of a hackathon is to create usable software. Hackathons tend to have a specific focus, which can include the  programming language  used, the  operating system , an application, an  API , or the subject and the demographic group of the programmers. In other cases, there is no restriction on the type of software being created. The one that I went to, had a specific theme: Society Safety. What I did was my group and I had to create an app that would be able to make communities safer. Overall it was a fun event and good experience to practice code ...

Current Events 5--MP2

                             Global Mosquito-Sensing Network Being Built Using Smartphones Mosquitoes are small, midge-like flies that constitute the family Culicidae. Females of most species are ectoparasites, whose tube-like mouthparts pierce the hosts' skin to consume blood .  Only certain species of mosquitoes of the  Anopheles  genus, and only  females  of those species, can transmit malaria. Malaria is caused by a one- celled parasite called a  Plasmodium . Female  Anopheles mosquitoes  pick up the  parasite  from  infected  people when they bite to obtain blood needed to nurture their eggs. In the following article, "Global Mosquito-Sensing Network Being Built Using Smartphones" talks about how there have been researchers who've created an app that can recognize mosquito species from the sound they make. The  Malaria is a killer...

Project 2

A few weeks ago, my class and I did a project. The objective of this project was to learn how to practice our skills that we have previously learned about binary, and reviewing them with practice. That included putting numbers into binary, and representing the numbers in that state. The application that I used to create this lab was Microsoft Word. What we first did in this was we, first opened a blank document on Microsoft Word, and placed a number of boxes around the page with the box in the center being a certain event. Then we filled the boxes around the center with a topic such as what time did it start? When did it end? How long was it for? And many more questions that could be answered in binary. We also asked and answered questions the couldn't be answered in binary such as where was it? And who did you go with? The most challenging part of this lab was try ing to finish this on time, and making sure it had all the requirements needed.

Lab 12 ID and Class for CSS

A few weeks ago, my class and I did a a lab. The objective of this lab was to learn how to use ID and Class styles and tags for CSS. The application that I used to create this lab was Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017. What we first did in this was we, were given a blank webpage that had no CSS on it, and we had to add color-changes as well as font changes. Then we had a range of different font styles and colors and we had to apply some of those categories into the webpage. One of the most challenging part of this lab was making sure there were no errors in the code itself, and making it show on the webpage.

Lab 11 HTML + External CSS

A few weeks ago, my class and I did a a lab. The objective of this lab was to learn how to use the basic steps of external CSS. The application that I used to create this lab was Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017. What we first did in this was we, used the same reflection we used in the previous lab and keep it as the way it was, but instead of using internal CSS that we did in the previous lab, this time we used external CSS in this lab. What we did in this lab that was different than the other lab, was we changed the font type and colors and the background color as well. So an example of what we did in this lab was changing the font style to something like, Franklin Gothic Bold, and change the background color to red. Stuff like that, that would enhance the lab itself.

Lab 10 HTML + Internal CSS

A few weeks ago, my class and I did a a lab. The objective of this lab was to learn how to use the basic steps of internal CSS. The application that I used to create this lab was Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2017. What we first did in this was we, wrote a reflection about a college fair we had previously have done the day before, and include a photo of the college fair. Then, we had to change the the few things about the lab such as font-family and background as well as font color. How we did this in the lab was we, used a style tag, and then a font-color and background-color stylesheet.

College & Career Fair

On November 13, 2017, my class and I attended a career and college fair in our school. We had many professionals from different colleges and universities. We also had representatives from the Navy, U.S. Army, and the Marines. We saw many different colleges from Hunter, John Jay, Oswego, etc. My class and I were required to dress business casual in order to look professional for this fair. We learned about what colleges offer what career path. that you want to pursue in. We also learned about different scholarships some colleges offer as well. Each college that I was interested in, had a course for graphic design which is what I want to pursue my career in. Overall it was a great experience for learning about colleges and universities about their campus, and what they offer from courses and scholarships and their requirements to get in.

Current Events 4-MP2

Three quarters of Android apps track users with third party tools Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based on the Linux kernel and designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices. It was initially released on September 23, 2009.  There have been many devices like smartphones as well as created by Android such as Samsung Galaxy S8, Google Pixel,  Samsung Galaxy Tab A,  Samsung Galaxy Tab E, etc. It is used by many people around the  world. But one thing I not sure whether people know this or not is that, every three out of four Android apps track their users with third party tools. That means the if you have one of those apps that can be tracked, the creator and develops of that particular app would be able to know and have access to your location. And if that app were to get hacked by random people, then they would also know your location as well. In the article, "Three quarters of Android apps track users with thi...

Current Events 3-MP2

                      Virginia Becomes First State to Require Computer Science Instruction Computer science is known as the study of the theory, experimentation, and engineering that form the basis for the design and use of computers. Currently I am in Information Technology High School and taking an AP Computer Science course. In my opinion, computer science is important  because  of a few reasons. One reason is that it's a problem solving, essential skill in life. Another reason why I think its important is because computers solve problems to serve people. There is a significant human side to computer science.  In the article, " Virginia Becomes First State to Require Computer Science Instruction ", it talks about how schools in the state of Virginia are now required to teach  students about computer science as well as coding and create classes about this subject. The article s...

Current Events #2-MP2

            What life will be like when the computers disappear  Mostly everybody in this world uses a laptop for different reasons. Whether the use is for work, gaming, or just for fun. Many companies make different types of laptops. Apple's most common laptop is the Macbook. Microsoft's most common laptop is the Surface. Bottom line laptops are a necessity in life. People need it. Companies thrive on the product sales and how much money it brings in. But what if laptops were never created. What if suddenly one day all laptops were to disappear, and nobody in this world were to have access to them.  In an online article, "What life will be like when the computers disappears?" talks about how people's live would be and progress when there's no laptops. " It is still very early, but the era of ambient computing is slowly taking shape, whether in the form of the voice-driven smart speaker on your kitchen countertop, or via the IoT...

WBL Workshop #2

In the second WBL workshop of the school year we were introduced by two guest speaker who came to talk about the GreenThumb Youth Leadership Council , which is a program where students volunteer in different boroughs in different neighborhoods to help create gardens, and they were letting us know the benefits of the program including how it could count for CTE students under the community service hours, and how its a plus to put this on college and job applications, and will provide positive feedback to help you. Then after the guest speakers left, we were all handed a packet with a career party game, and it would try to help us indicate what kind of future career paths we would be the most interested in, There were six different career groups, and you had to choose which three seemed the most interesting to you. My three choices were realistic group, conventional group, and investigate group. Then after that we did a career DNA checklist to see if the career groups we choose were accu...

WBL Workshop #1

In the first Work-Based Learning (WBL) Workshop of the school year we were introduced with the three "W's "of WBL. The why, what, and where. Then after the introduction for the Workshop, we discussed "Why do CTE students need WBL?" And the talked about the CTE diploma requirements as well as the WBL requirements needed to be completed by CTE students. Those included talking about WBL application, discipline policy, and confidentiality agreement. After we finished talking  about those requirements, we were each handed a paper where we could check off our requirements, and another paper where we could record our hours of participating in a Career Fair, or volunteering or doing an internship. Then after we received those papers, we talked about a different topic including, "Where will the WBL experiences take place?" We discussed how former and current students have completed internships, and participated in Career Fairs, as well as students in the future...

Blown to Bits: Chapter 2, 5, 7, 8 Summary

Chapter 2 The second chapter of Blown to Bits, entitled  Naked in the Sunlight  brings forth the alarming fact that in a world of bits, none of one’s information can be protected.    The author opens up the chapter with a comparison to George Orwell’s novel  1984 , where the characters are always being watched by a government force called Big Brother.    In the novel, the ruling party has complete surveillance over all the people, and the author compares this to modern day London.    The author cites the Subway bombers of 2005 to prove his point.    During the time of the bombings, London was under heightened security, and by using the footage from surveillance cameras, they had no problem getting images of the bombers and their trip before detonating the bombs.    Finally the author draws the conclusion that “1984 is here, and we like it”. Chapter 5 In chapter five of Blown to Bits, the author explores the complex wor...

Lab #6: Reflection Journal

Lab 6 In this lab we, were given the following topics: Internet Censorship, Net Neutrality, and Protocol Vulnerabilities and/or Hacks. What we did with these topics was, we had to choose any topic, and do research about it. First we had to find some of the pros as well as the cons for the topic we chose. Then we created a quick flash talk video of us talking about the topic. The requirements for the video was that it had to be at least 1 minute long, but less than 2 minutes. What we talk about in the video was first we introduced the issue, what is it, and how it affects people in this world. Then after that we stated a few pros and cons about the topic. Then we ended the video by stating whether we were for or against the topic, and explain why. After we finished the video we saved the clip as an .mp4 file, and inserted it into and html document, and included hyperlinks for our resources of where we got our information from. And then after we finished the lab we printed out our flash...

Lab #5: Reflection Journal

Lab 5 In this lab we, did a similar thing in what we did in lab 4. We created a table but instead of it having three columns, it had 5 columns. And instead on each column containing information about colors, it contained information about favorite things. In order from left to right, the first column contained my favorite foods, the next column had my favorite movies, then the next column had my favorite subjects in school, then the next column had my favorite artists and music created by that particular artist, and the last column, had a grocery list of what I would usually get from three different foods, followed by three different items in each food category. The program that I used to do this lab was called "Dreamweaver". Completing this lab took roughly around 4 days because it was just a lot of repeating typing for most of the lab. and also each column would have a different order. The favorite food column would be organized in an unordered list. The favorite movie col...

Lab #4: Reflection Journal

Lab 4  For this lab we did something different from what we did in the previous labs. In this we were allowed to use any program for doing this lab. For this lab I used an application called "Sublime Text", and in this lab we created a table with three columns where each column had different information. The table was created and focused mainly and different colors. But we didn't do ordinary colors such as red, blue, or green. We used colors that some people might not know of such as lime or floral white, colors that people might not use or even heard of. So in the table the three columns had different information for each color. The left column showed the name of each color. The middle name showed the hexadecimal code for each color. It's very important for this lab, because if it's not included in the table, the program you're using won't be able to know what it's used for. And finally the last column showed a sample of the color itself, and how it ...

Lab #1-3 Reflection Journal

Lab 1 For our first lab of the school year we did a paragraph summary of ourselves, including what we learned last year ad what we did. And we also included what we look forward to doing throughout this year. So how we began this lab was we used an application called "TextEdit" and we started to write our needed information and our paragraph for the lab. Lab 2 For our second lab, it was similar to what we did in the first lab. We basically kept the same paragraph we wrote about ourselves in lab 1, edited them so there were no grammar errors. And then we include an image of our face that we took during class on to the lab. Inserting an image on the lab was tricky at first, but then, when you find out how to put certain codes before inserting the image, it got easier. Lab 3 For our third lab, it was basically a combination of what we learned and did in labs 1 and 2. We kept the same information and paragraph we had in lab 1. And we also kept the same image of our selves ...

Current Events #4

                                   Let your car tell you what it needs Have you ever drove you car, and suddenly your tire runs out of air? Have you ever noticed your car's air filter needing to be replaced? Or if the engine needs new spark plugs? It would be cool if you could know what you're car needs in advance, right? Well it's a software idea, developed by the MIT research team.   In the Following article titled, " Let your car tell you what it needs ", states the following " Within the next year or two, people may be able to get that kind of diagnostic information in just a few minutes, in their own cars or any car they happen to be in. They wouldn’t need to know anything about the car’s history or to connect to it in any way; the information would be derived from analyzing the car’s  sounds and vibrations, as measured by the phone’s microphone and ...

Current Events #3

For $1000, anyone can purchase online ads to track your location and app use In the article, "For $1000, anyone can purchase online ads to track your location and app use" stated the following: " Privacy concerns have long swirled around how much information online advertising networks collect about people’s browsing, buying and social media habits, typically to sell you something.  But could someone use mobile advertising to learn where you go for coffee? Could a burglar establish a sham company and send ads to your phone to learn when you leave the house? Could a suspicious employer see if you’re using shopping apps on work time? The answer to this question they believed was to be yes. They did research at the University of Washington research. They also found out that for  roughly $1000 someone can purchase and target online advertising in ways that allow them to track the location of other individuals and learn what apps they are using.  " T...

Current Events #2

The Secret History of the Female Code Breakers Who Helped Defeat the Nazis In the article, "The secret history of the female code breakers who helped defeat the nazis stated, "In November 1941, not long before the attack on Pearl Harbor, a handful of letters began materializing in student mailboxes at America’s top women’s colleges. The messages were cryptic and brief, inviting their mystified recipients to private interviews in which the students might be asked only a couple of similarly cryptic questions: Did they like crossword puzzles, and were they engaged to be married? The correct answer to the first question was yes; the desired answer to the second was no.  For more than a year, the U.S. Navy had been quietly recruiting male intelligence officers: specifically, code breakers, or “cryptanalysts"  from elite colleges and universities, and now it was embarking on the same experiment with women. Educated women were wanted for the war effort, and with all possible ...

Blown To Bits: Chapter 3-Ghosts in the Machine

In chapter 3 of "Blown to Bits",  pages 91-92 discuss how certain objects were used before, and differentiates on how it's used and changed in today's society. One example that the chapter mentions is how music used to be stored on a compact disk known as a CD, but it's changed now in the present.In the chapter it says, " At the time the CD format was adopted as a standard, decompression circuitry for CD players would have been too costly for use in homes and automobiles, so music could not be recorded in compressed form. The magic of Apple’s iPod is not just the huge capacity and tiny physical size of its disk, it is the power of the processing chip that renders the stored model as music.  The birth of new technologies presage the death of old technologies. Digital cameras killed the silver halide film industry; analog television sets will soon be gone; phonograph records gave way to cassette tapes, which in turn gave way to compact disks, which are themselv...

Current Events #1

Scottish researchers make optical computer breakthrough Researchers at Heriot-Watt University in Scotland say they have come a step closer to manufacturing novel photonic computing components by demonstrating that a compound employed in touchscreen  called aluminum zinc oxide reacts to light when simultaneously struck with ultra-fast laser pulses of different hues. "Each color can induce strong and ultra-fast alteration on both the transparency of the material and the speed at which light propagates into it," notes Heriot-Watt professor Marcello Ferrera. He also observed behavior that could have ramifications for the design and fabrication of optical computing and telecommunication devices. "The induced alterations, which are typically opposite in sign, can be algebraically summed up one to another," Ferrera says. "If the material becomes more transparent with one color and more absorptive with the other, it will not show any appreciable alteration when the ...

Are you an expert in DNS?

1)Why does the internet use IP addresses?              - The internet uses IP addresses in order to identify which website is which, and who it belongs to. 2)Why don't we need to know IP addresses?             - Because sometimes, one IP address stays the same for one website, and it never changes. Henceforth IP address stay the same as it originally was for some websites, but not all. 3)Why do we need a Domain Name System?             - Because we need to know certain tags for websites, when they cant be accessed by how they originally are. 4)Why don't we all maintain our own DNS?             - Because having our own DNS isn't always necessary or needed all the time. 5)Is there one big DNS for the entire internet?             - In my opinion, I don't think so because, the internet is just to big of a source for it to hav...

What do FileZilla, CoreFTP & CyberDuck have in common?

On a computer, when installing different software programs for binary and client information, there are three different programs. FileZilla, CoreFTP, and CyberDuck. Filezilla is a free software, cross-platform FTP application. It is consisting of FileZilla client and FileZilla server. Client binaries are available for Windows only. The clients supports FTP, SFTP, and FTPS. CoreFTP is a secure FTP client for windows, developed by Features include FTP, SSL/TLS, SFTP via SSH, and HTTP/HTTPS support. Secure FTP clients encrypt account information and data transferred across the internet, protecting data from being seen or sniffed across networks. CyberDuck is an open source client for FTP and SFTP, WebDAV and cloud storage(OpenStack Swift, Amazon, S3, Backblaze B2 and Microsoft Azure) available for macOS and Windows(as of version 4.0) licensed under the GPL. Some of the few things that these software programs have in common is that, these certain programs are used for clien...

Blown to Bits Chapter 1: Koans

In the book, "Blown to Bits, the first chapter of the book talks about, the koans of bits (koan means truths). It mentions 7 different koans about bits. The one koan that I found the most interesting to me was the second koan. The koan was "Perfection is Normal". The reason I found this so interesting is because I personally think it's the most honest one out of the rest of the koans. I agree that this koan is true, because, let's say for example, you're sending a friend an email, with a photo attachments. When your friend receives you email, it's going to be exactly the same as you sent it. The email won't be different from the one you sent. The photo you sent won't be a different picture. It remains the exact same. So when this koan talks about "Perfection is normal", it means that whenever you send something or duplicate or copy something off your computer or phone, it remains the same, as the way you originally wanted.  And in my opi...

The Differences of High School Diplomas in New York City

   To graduate high school in New York City, a student is required to have a diploma showing that they have completed the certain requirements to graduate high school. That person would need a minimum of 44 credits of courses. In most high schools in New York, there are two different kinds of diplomas. A Regents Diploma, and an Advanced Regents Diploma. Each types of diploma requires the certain amount of credits in each subject: eight credits in English, eight credits in Social Studies, six credits in Science, six credits in Mathematics, four credits of physical education, one credit of health, and two credits of Visual Art, Music, Dance, and/or Theater. These credits are must required to get either a Regents Diploma or an Advanced Regents Diploma. If you want a Regents Diploma, you need the credits I mentioned earlier, and more. That includes two credits of Language other than English, and seven elective credits. To obtain and Advanced Regents Diploma, you need there same am...

Who Is Rifat Rahman?

Hello there, my name is Rifat Rahman. I go to school at Information Technology High School. I am in my junior year (11th grade) of my high school career. The CTE academy I am taking in high school is Web Design. I am interested in this CTE course because it's and opportunity to get a head start and college levels classes in high school for free. It allows you to earn up to six college credits. Also it helps you learn and get used to applications that you need to know how to use in the computer science industry. These applications include Photoshop and Indesign. You also learn how to code and use HTML and CSS throughout this course. My hobbies in life are playing sports, video games, working with technology, and writing. My goal in high school is to get high grades in each of my classes, get a good score on the SAT for college, and graduate high school with and advanced regents diploma. My goal after high school is to go to college, and either study computer science, computer engine...