MP3- Current Events #2
Researchers Compute Their Way to the Centre of the Earth Us humans live on Planet Earth. The planet is made up of 4 different layers. Those layers include: the curst, the mantle, outer core, and inner core. Not that many people have attempted to even go through the center of the earth; it's a very long pathway. The closest a human has ever gotten to the center of the earth was in the 1980s when a Russian-project in the far north Kola Peninsula reached 12 km into the earth's crust. We haven't gotten that far to the center of the earth. In a article titled, " Researchers Compute Their Way to the Centre of the Earth " it talks about how researchers have been able to compute their way very slowly day by day into the center of the earth. The following article stated, " Multi-disciplinary research team uses theory and experiment on its journey to understand material and geologic processes in high pressure and temperature conditions. In order to mor...